Desert Brutality 2021: Bloke’s Stages Talkthrough #desertbrutalityContent, Videosby Bloke on the RangeDecember 16, 2021
Rigor, Discipline, and Excellence: Christian Prouteau on GIGN Training and the MR-73Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsDecember 16, 2021
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Clips: A Quick Comparison of the 1878 and 1895 Nagant RevolversContent, Videosby CandRsenalDecember 15, 2021
Finland’s M39 PH Sniper from the Continuation WarContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsDecember 15, 2021
L8(T) Enfield: The British Army Fails to Make a SniperContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsDecember 14, 2021
7.62mm Rifle L8: The Last Gasp of the Service Lee EnfieldContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsDecember 13, 2021
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