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Sweetheart: The Winchester of Poet Scout Captain Jack Crawford

Captain Jack Crawford, the Poet Scout, is probably the quintessential American man of the 19th century. He was a family man, an unfathomable horseman, an author, poet, renowned scout, a lecturer, miner, performer, prospector, and the most famous figure of the West you’ve probably never heard of.

Through this storytelling, poetry, writings, and performances, Jack Crawford gave his audiences a REAL depiction of what the West was like. Far from the dime novels, he carried with him an authenticity and helped define the frontier for thousands of Americans. He shaped perceptions for decades to come.

This stunning, two-tone gold & nickel Winchester Model 1873 had served as an exhibition piece for the Winchester factory before its presentation to Crawford in 1902. The very next year, Crawford presented this Winchester to his dear friend and editor, James Barton Adams as a Christmas gift. Each side of the buttstock bears a plaque commemorating each presentation, but Crawford’s heart-shaped plaque carries an inscription written in a brief original poem.

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