Harnessing centrifugal force these experimental centrifugal machine guns could throw thousands of projectiles a minute. How did they work? Why didn’t the idea catch on? With some newly discovered archival footage, that actually shows one of the guns in action, Matt takes a look at what became one of the wonder technologies of the early 20th century – but never quite caught on!
Check out Matt’s accompanying article about the the history of Centrifugal Machine Guns, here: http://armourersbench.com/2019/12/08/centrifugal-machine-guns
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The Armourer’s Bench is a collaborative effort from Vic Tuff and Matthew Moss. We will be bringing you detailed examinations of historic small arms from around the world. We will delve into the history, use and operation of the weapons using videos, blog posts and high resolution images to tell their story.