The Daily Show recently produced a couple of videos about Switzerland’s gun culture. Although broadly positive and in favour of the Swiss, it of course contained some Fake News: basically both videos contained some misleading graphics and incredibly false statements about certain aspects of Swiss gun law.
By popular demand, The Bloke and The Chap set the record straight, explaining how it works and what’s false or misleading about the graphic in question.
Plus, even Lederhosen are Fake News – they’re German, not Swiss. Talk about cultural appropriation… of the wrong culture!
#dailyshow #fakenews #switzerland #guns #regulations

Switzerland’s most popular native-English-language guns & shooting channel! Probably. Maybe. I guess. A somewhat off-the-wall and tongue-in-cheek look at firearms, military history and shooting, and a jolly good tilt at the windmills of fuddlore to go with it. And the odd off-topic vid about Switzerland, or whatever happens to take our fancy. We normally launch “in-series” vids on a Friday (early launch on a Wednesday via Patreon and the FB page ), out-of-series vids launch precisely… whenever.