Today’s question topics:
0:00:58 – Factors affecting recoil in machine guns
0:04:57 – Revisiting/remaking old videos
0:05:58 – Is the MP5 still relevant?
0:06:47 – Am I excited to film different guns?
0:08:12 – Vintage vs modern tooling and production
0:15:28 – Nerf guns
0:15:58 – Koborov video at some point?
0:16:55 – Military surplus gear, good and bad
0:19:38 – Worst US service rifle and pistol
0:22:05 – Most uncomfortable firearm I have fired
0:23:54 – Adding “gravitas” to a basic gun collection
0:26:54 – Most difficult guns to disassemble or reassemble
0:28:48 – Fluted chamber vs lubricated cartridges
0:29:51 – Double barreled pistols
0:32:03 – Shooting guns at the Julia auction house
0:36:22 – Closed bolt vs open bolt
0:39:12 – Kiraly lever-delay in a service rifle
0:40:17 – Spanish Civil War domestic production arms
0:41:49 – Vickers booster as muzzle brake
0:43:15 – FG42 development in intermediate cartridges
0:46:02 – Forced air cooling in machine guns
0:47:20 – Manual safeties or not in military pistols
0:49:50 – Would a US Army lever action have prevented bolt action adoption?
0:52:04 – Why is the PKM the best GPMG
0:53:54 – Why no modern water cooling?
0:56:11 – Restoring collectible guns
0:58:36 – British & Japanese semi autos before WW2
1:00:56 – Punt guns
1:02:45 – Best small arms implementation in WW2
1:04:12 – Most undeserved poor reputation in a service arm?
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At Forgotten Weapons I think the most interesting guns out there are the most obscure ones. I try to search out experimental and prototype weapons and show you how they work, in addition to more conventional guns that you may not have heard of before. You’re much more likely to find a video on the Cei Rigotti or Webley-Fosbery here than an AR or Glock. So, do you want to learn about something new today? Then stick around!