I took the daughter of my brother out to stalk with me for the first time in her life. This time with camera. We were able to approach these roe deers to 50 m (after stalking 100 m in 30 minutes in the deep, frozen snow) It was fun, and gave a great memory to the little one. She will make a good hunter one day, with a lot of respect for the game.
Keresztlányommal loptuk be ezeket az őzeket az áprilisi télben. 100 m-t lopakodtunk 30 perc alatt a fagyott hóban, nehogy észre vegyenek. Nagyszerű muri volt. A kislány teljesen fegyelmezetten lopakodott utánam. Jó vadász ember lesz. Tisztelni fogja a vadat.
Well this is my channel and these are my impressions about shooting old and repro blackpowder and cartridge guns. You will find target shooting, hunting, reloading and military history related videos here starring pre 1945 firearms. Since I was a little child I knew I want to be a history teacher. In fact I graduated as one. Later I studied military sciences on university level, and now I am doing my phd in firearms history while I teach military history at the university. That’s my life, my hobby. I hope you’ll enjoy my videos as much I enjoyed making them. Greetings form Hungary, the land of good wines and beautiful women. Oh yes, and please forgive my Hunglish. 😉