Rock Island Auction Company’s November 30, December 1st & 2nd Premiere Firearms Auction is set to be the finest auction in the Company’s history and will close out an already impressive 2012 auction schedule by breaking the industry annual sales World Record set by RIAC back in 2010. “While the outcome of any auction is far from predictable, we do know that the conclusion of this sale will once again see Rock Island Auction Company raise the banner as the #1 firearms auction company in the world for the 9th consecutive year and shatter our industry record set in 2010 of 32 million in sales with well-over 40 million in sales this year”, said Patrick Hogan President and CEO of Rock Island Auction Company.
The line-up of this sale encompasses Part II of The World Renowned Gateway Collection, The Bobby Smith Estate Collection, The Anthony Urbanowski Smith & Wesson Collection and The Finest Collection of Lugers to ever come to auction.
Here’s this auction strictly by the numbers: 2200 Items classified as Antique or Curio and Relic, 1000 U.S. and European Military Arms, 400 Winchesters, 200 Smith & Wessons, 700 Sporting Arms; The statistics on Colt’s alone will blow your mind!! 900 Colt Firearms, 250 Antique Colts, over 50 Factory Engraved Colts, nearly 100 First Generation Single Actions!!

Antique, collector and modern firearms auction house. Number 1 in the world since 2003. Always seeking consignments.