IPSC revolver match with Uberti 1858 Conversion Navy .38 SpecContent, Videosby CapandBallMay 15, 2011
Sporterizing the Mosin Nagant Part 12- Final Fitting, Loose EndsContent, Videosby IV8888April 30, 2011October 4, 2021
Sporterizing the Mosin Nagant Part 11- Checking on the Steel Bed JobContent, Videosby IV8888April 28, 2011October 4, 2021
Original Starr DA percussion revolver vs Pietta replicaContent, Videosby CapandBallApril 27, 2011July 22, 2020
Sporterizing the Mosin Nagant Rifle Part 10- Bedding the StockContent, Videosby IV8888April 24, 2011July 22, 2020