The Jäger rifle and Napoleonic light infantry tacticsContent, Videosby CapandBallApril 5, 2015July 22, 2020
Merwin & Bray .42 Caliber Cupfire RevolverContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsApril 5, 2015July 22, 2020
Mondragon 1894 Straight-Pull Bolt Action RifleContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsApril 4, 2015July 22, 2020
A song for my brother’s birthday: Te és én a negyvenedikreContent, Videosby CapandBallApril 4, 2015October 4, 2021
The 1800 Pattern Baker Rifle: Shooting at 200yds/Accuracy Legends – PART ONEContent, Videosby BritishMuzzleLoadersApril 4, 2015July 22, 2020
Book Review: Great Britain – The Tommy Gun StoryBook Releases and Reviews, Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsMarch 28, 2015July 22, 2020
AFTE Presentation: Firearms and High Speed PhotographyContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsMarch 26, 2015July 22, 2020