Book Review: Volcanic Firearms – Predecessor to the Winchester RifleBook Releases and Reviews, Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsSeptember 27, 2012July 22, 2020
FAQs Episode 3: Lee Enfield Mad Minute TechniqueContent, Videosby IV8888September 25, 2012July 22, 2020
September Firearms Auction RecapContent, Videosby Rock Island Auction CompanySeptember 14, 2012July 22, 2020
British Breechloaders and Trials RiflesContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsSeptember 6, 2012July 22, 2020
The Pedersoli Enfield project 2.: Shooting at 50 mContent, Videosby CapandBallSeptember 4, 2012July 22, 2020
Történelmi lövészsportok 3.: Polgárháborús lövészetContent, Videosby CapandBallAugust 31, 2012July 22, 2020