The Y2022 reenactment of the battle of Austerlitz in 1805, the highlight of Napoleon’s military carrier. More than 1000 reenactors participated in the event held in Moravia, Czech Republic 3rd December 2022. Words are not necessary. Just lay back, put it on big screen and enjoy. Pure black powder to you from Capandball. The goal of the heroic music is to cover at least a pert of the loudspeaker narration.
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Well this is my channel and these are my impressions about shooting old and repro blackpowder and cartridge guns. You will find target shooting, hunting, reloading and military history related videos here starring pre 1945 firearms. Since I was a little child I knew I want to be a history teacher. In fact I graduated as one. Later I studied military sciences on university level, and now I am doing my phd in firearms history while I teach military history at the university. That’s my life, my hobby. I hope you’ll enjoy my videos as much I enjoyed making them. Greetings form Hungary, the land of good wines and beautiful women. Oh yes, and please forgive my Hunglish. 😉