I’m very excited to have been invited to join the ‘Rhineland 45’ project by Real Time History, the team behind ‘@The Great War’ and ’16 Days in Berlin’. They have a track record of making truly excellent documentaries.
The new project aims to create an in-depth documentary series about the last major operations in the West during World War Two. I’m looking forward to examining the weapons and equipment used by both sides during the battles and can’t wait to get started! – Matt
You can find out more about how to support the project and help us make it as good as it can be at –https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/realtimehistory/rhineland45
You can find out more about the Real Time History team here – https://realtimehistory.net/
Where to find TAB:

The Armourer’s Bench is a collaborative effort from Vic Tuff and Matthew Moss. We will be bringing you detailed examinations of historic small arms from around the world. We will delve into the history, use and operation of the weapons using videos, blog posts and high resolution images to tell their story.