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Time for another monthly Q&A!
00:18 – Guns that exceeded and fell short of my expectations?
03:14 – Why did the US keep the 1903 instead of the 1917 after WW1?
04:59 – Bren guns in .30-06
07:07 – Book on French handguns or bayonets
08:45 – My jobs before Forgotten Weapons became full-time
11:12 – Any effort at .30 Carbine handguns in WW2?
12:44 – 7.65mm French Long brass by Starline
14:15 – Objectively bad gun that I like anyway
15:20 – Eye relief and eye box in scopes
18:19 – Prototypes with neat features dropped from production models
19:38 – Have I met Oleg Volk?
20:22 – Why wasn’t the Winchester 1907 SL more popular?
21:08 – Will I continue to collect French arms now that my book is done?
21:45 – Sites to visit in Paris related to the Resistance and Occupation?
22:36 – Why didn’t France adopt the M16?
22:57 – Glock 17 or Walther P38; which was more influential?
24:44 – Is push feed worthwhile or important?
27:12 – Plans to do video on the Ross and Huot?
27:52 – Finnish Mosins
29:39 – Why so many blocky looking handguns?
31:03 – How was the experience using Kickstarter for book launch?
33:23 – Was the Charlton the only bolt-to-semi conversion used by a military?
34:21 – Is the Spencer still my preferred Civil War carbine?
35:48 – Why don’t more guns use the constant recoil concept?
38:00 – Why isn’t there more use of ASP-style “guttersnipe” sights?
39:02 – Military rifle trials tests
42:36 – How did US small arms technology compare to Europe in the Civil War?
45:05 – Widgets to increase revolver capacity?
46:35 – First 8mm Lebel rifle, and PPU ammo compatibility
48:52 – Why don’t more guns use the Farquhar-Hill buffered piston idea?
50:00 – Why didn’t the US adopt the MG-42?
51:39 – How did the M14 go from replaced service rifle to EBR?
52:52 – Chinese small arms?
54:49 – Channels about bladed arms?
55:29 – Black powder semi autos?
57:21 – Why are some Asian guns called “Type” instead of “Model”?
58:15 – Have I run into guns I can’t disassemble without help?
58:38 – Which are more important: features or simplicity?
Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle #36270
Tucson, AZ 85704

At Forgotten Weapons I think the most interesting guns out there are the most obscure ones. I try to search out experimental and prototype weapons and show you how they work, in addition to more conventional guns that you may not have heard of before. You’re much more likely to find a video on the Cei Rigotti or Webley-Fosbery here than an AR or Glock. So, do you want to learn about something new today? Then stick around!