Larry Vickers has published the newest book in the Vickers Guide series, and it looks at German small arms of World War II – the first of two volumes to do so.
I had a hand in the project writing a substantial chunk of the text, and so I met up with Larry to sign copies of the book. And since we were in the same room together, what better to do than a Q&A? These questions, as always, were provided by my wonderful group of supporters at Patreon…
1:02 – Any guns you regret selling?
2:08 – Condensed bio
5:13 – Is the DI system in the AR good or bad?
8:03 – What was Larry’s involvement in the HK 416?
9:04 – Why is the AK so good?
11:16 – 7.62×39 or 5.45×39?
12:39 – What gun do you want to add to your personal collection?
13:31 – Why is the AR guy (Vickers) doing a book on German WWII guns?
15:00 – Was the massive German R&D in WWII good or bad for them?
17:22 – If you were in WWII, what rifle and what job would you want?
19:40 – Thoughts on the Stoner 63
22:26 – As a lefty, how do you shoot bolt action rifles?
24:18 – What is the most interesting piece of firearms history development?
25:28 – What handgun would you have picked for the new Army handgun?
27:56 – Before the M4, what rifles/carbines did elite units use?
31:48 – Plans for another 1911 build class?
33:42 – Why were the Germans unique in developing a GPMG?
36:44 – Why does H&K hate 10mm?
39:38 – Preference for Inglis vs FN High Power?
Want to submit a question for the next Q&A? Sign up to help support Forgotten Weapons on Patreon!
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At Forgotten Weapons I think the most interesting guns out there are the most obscure ones. I try to search out experimental and prototype weapons and show you how they work, in addition to more conventional guns that you may not have heard of before. You’re much more likely to find a video on the Cei Rigotti or Webley-Fosbery here than an AR or Glock. So, do you want to learn about something new today? Then stick around!