Bloke’s gorgeous platinum-haired wife, through being a bizarre and dozy git, inspires him to invite you into the rich history and wonderful world of S&W hammer block safeties through the ages.
Featuring a century-old .455 Hand Ejector Second Model, an M&P in .38 S&W, and a very early 586. Plus, a rare and privileged glimpse of his beautiful wife!
Also includes not only a dumb, kitchy sketch, but also bonus material of what Every Schoolboy (and -girl) should know, namely how to get a S&W apart (disassembly) and back together again (reassembly) without wrecking it, and how the various internal hammer blocking thingamabobs do their thang.
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Switzerland’s most popular native-English-language guns & shooting channel! Probably. Maybe. I guess. A somewhat off-the-wall and tongue-in-cheek look at firearms, military history and shooting, and a jolly good tilt at the windmills of fuddlore to go with it. And the odd off-topic vid about Switzerland, or whatever happens to take our fancy. We normally launch “in-series” vids on a Friday (early launch on a Wednesday via Patreon and the FB page ), out-of-series vids launch precisely… whenever.