Warehouse Stroll with Joel: How Long Can Joel Shoulder a Barrett Sniper Rifle?Content, Videosby Rock Island Auction CompanyAugust 5, 2017July 22, 2020
The German WWII Standby: The MP38 and MP40 SMGsContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsAugust 4, 2017July 22, 2020
Ammunition compatibility: .32 S&W Long in 7.5mm Swiss revolverContent, Videosby Bloke on the RangeAugust 4, 2017July 22, 2020
Pietta 1873 Single Action (Colt Single Action Army Clone)Content, Videosby Dustin WinegarAugust 3, 2017July 22, 2020
Warehouse Stroll with Joel: 4-barrel, WWI Flare GunContent, Videosby Rock Island Auction CompanyAugust 3, 2017July 22, 2020
M34: The Berthier Converted to the 7.5mm Rimless CartridgeContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsAugust 3, 2017
Weapons as Political Protest: P.A. Luty’s Submachine GunContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsAugust 2, 2017July 22, 2020
Warehouse Stroll with Joel: Great War Trench KnifeContent, Videosby Rock Island Auction CompanyAugust 1, 2017July 22, 2020
M38 Carcano Carbine: Brilliant or Rubbish?Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsAugust 1, 2017July 22, 2020