Enfield Army Short Rifle from the kneeling positionContent, Videosby BritishMuzzleLoadersOctober 27, 2012July 22, 2020
Book Review: Veteran Bring Backs by Edward TinkerBook Releases and Reviews, Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsOctober 25, 2012July 22, 2020
Book Review: The Borchardt and Luger Automatic PistolsContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsOctober 18, 2012
Long range shooting with 44-40 Winchester and SchofieldContent, Videosby CapandBallOctober 15, 2012July 22, 2020
The Pig: M60 in Theory and on the RangeContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsOctober 15, 2012July 22, 2020
Shooting a double barrel Great Gun percussion derringerContent, Videosby CapandBallOctober 15, 2012July 22, 2020
Book Review: Special Service Lee-Enfields by Ian SkennertonBook Releases and Reviews, Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsOctober 11, 2012July 22, 2020
3 hónapos hannoveri véreb harmadik műcsapájaContent, Videosby CapandBallOctober 9, 2012October 4, 2021
3 hónapos hannoveri véreb második műcsapájaContent, Videosby CapandBallOctober 8, 2012October 4, 2021
Book Review: Deutsche Fertigungskennzeichen bis 1945Book Releases and Reviews, Content, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsOctober 4, 2012July 22, 2020
Turkish Orman/Berthier Carbine at the RangeContent, Videosby Forgotten WeaponsOctober 1, 2012July 22, 2020