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These two revolvers were developed for competitive sport shooting in the Soviet Union. They are usually described as variants of the Model 1895 Nagant, but they actually work on a different mechanism, despite both being gas-seal designs. The TOZ-36 was designed in 1962, and it was a single action, six-shot revolver in 7.62x38mmR – the standard Nagant revolver cartridge. It was made until 1975, and in 1977 it was supplanted by the TOZ-49. That was essentially the same design, but chambered for 7.62x26mmR – a shorter version of the gas-seal cartridge. The TOZ-49 was made until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Both models are quite accurate, and also quite rare to find in the United States.
Thanks to the Supply Battalion of the Estonian Defense Forces Support Command for giving me access to film these two rare revolvers!
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