C&Rsenal presents its Primer series where we delve into the story of this classic firearm. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration.
C&Rsenal continues to present in-depth small arms history every other week. Join us each Tuesday!
We are a patron funded production, so please consider supporting the continuation and growth of this content at:
Prints/patches/shirts from the show:
RLG LeatherL:
Additional reading:
The Martini-Henry for Queen and Empire
Neil Aspinshaw
A Treatise on the British Military Martini : The Martini-Henry 1869 – C1900
B.A. Temple & I.D. Skennerton
The Martini-Henry Note-Book
Malcolm Cobb
Peabody Firearms
Edward Hull
The Turkish Connection: The Saga of the Peabody-Martini Rifle
Man at Arms Magazine Volume 1 #2 1879
William O. Achtermeier
Mitteilungen der Thurgauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Issue 13 (1898)
Türk-Amerikan Silah Ticareti Tarihi
Ali Ihsan Gencer, Ali Fuat Örenc, & Metin Ünver
The Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine, July 1884
British Bayonets – W. Kynynmound
Ammunition data thanks to DrakeGmbH
Animations by Bruno!
Snail Mail/Contact us at:

C&Rsenal releases their flagship series “Primer” every other week. It focuses on one firearm of the Great War at a time, in depth with animations, live fire demonstrations, and historical context! Our mission is to document and describe historical military small arms from across the world. We hope to share our love for all the attention that went into the design, development, manufacture, and issuance of these pieces.