Thanks to Varusteleka for putting on an absolutely magnificent match! I’m also very happy to have a line of merchandise now available with them:
Time for Day 2 of Finnish Brutality 2022! We have five more stages today, and for people like me in Recon Division, five more 3km runs in armor and kit. I woke up pretty darn sore from Day 1, and it took a few minutes to stretch out my calves to the point I could actually walk…let’s see how Day 2 will treat me.
A few gear notes:
My camo is all Finnish M05, from Varusteleka. The kilt is no longer offered, though. My rifle is a WWSD with an Aimpoint CompM5 and a Vortex 3x magnifier. Pistol is a Laugo Alien. Knife is an Anthropoid from Acta Non Verba. Plate carrier, backpack, and belt are also from Varusteleka. Boots are from AKU.
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