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Col Mike Snook MBE, PhD, was born and raised in Monmouthshire and read history at the University of Leicester, before attending the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.
He was commissioned into the Royal Regiment of Wales (24th/41st Foot) in 1984 and served as a regular infantry officer for the ensuing 30 years, ten of them on active service. He was three times a company commander, twice in the Royal Regiment of Wales and once on secondment with the Cheshire Regiment. Twice decorated for operational distinction, he also attended the Army Command and Staff Course at Camberley.
His senior Regimental and extra-Regimental positions included operating as a senior intelligence officer in Belfast, 2iC/Chief of Staff of the 1RRW Battle Group in Central Bosnia, Deputy Chief of Staff Wales & OC HQ 160 Brigade, Chief of Staff & CO Troops British Forces Afghanistan, Chief Instructor Tactical Intelligence Branch, Head of Education & Training at the Defence Academy College of Management and Technology, Chief J3 Ops for the UN Mission in the Sudan and also undertook two tours as a British loan service adviser to the democratised South African National Defence Force.
In 2000 he was presented with the MBE by Queen Elizabeth, in recognition of his role in anti-terrorism. In the Sudan he was instrumental in establishing a military doctrine for the Protection of Civilians and duly directed the first “Protection of Civilians” operations mounted in South Sudan, operations which proved instrumental in terminating a vicious three-way inter-tribal conflict in Jonglei State.
He left the military in 2013 and completed a PhD in military history with Cranfield University. He was the last PhD student of one of the most celebrated military historians of modern times, the late Professor Richard Holmes, and completed his studies under Professor Peter Caddick-Adams.
He has written seven well regarded books, has led numerous battlefield-studies packages for the British Army and is a recognized authority on the military history of the Victorian era. He is still writing, and in his retirement from the military, he has also taken up the proprietorship of Iron Duke Miniatures, manufacturing high quality military miniatures for the table top war gaming community.
And Follow us on FB for updates and projects!
For your Martini and Snider needs email Martyn at xringservices@yahoo.com
For your P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket or Short Rifle ammunition needs, Contact Brett at – www.papercartridges.com
And for further reading on all British Victorian (and earlier) arms stop by the British Militaria Forum and say hello. http://britishmilitariaforums.yuku.com

Hi all, welcome to Britishmuzzleloaders… Don’t let the name deceive you!
This is an Historical Shooting Channel that features British and Empire Military Arms from the Victorian era (plus or minus, that is). The Baker Rifle, the Enfield, the Snider, the Martini Henry, the Lee-Metford and Lee Enfield. Eventually there will be the a Brown Bess too.
Although the Channel was stared with a focus on the Enfield Rifle-Musket (hence the name), it has grown in scope and I hope that it might be your source for all aspects of using and shooting these fine old firearms in a military context.
Thanks all for your comments and questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers, Rob