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How to Import Guns into the US (Legally!)

I have had a bunch of people ask me what the process is for legally importing firearms into the US. I have gone through this process now a couple times over the past few years, and I think I have a good enough understanding to give you an overview. If you are interested in importing a firearm, the two things to know are that (1) it is possible to legally do this, and (2) it will be pretty expensive to do.

The customs broker I use is Polaris Worldwide Logistics ( They were one of the supporters of Desert Brutality, and my import experience with them has been the best of any of the several companies I have used. I would highly recommend them if you are looking to get into this process. You can reach them via the head of their firearms department, Les Winner, at

Some resources that will be useful in this process:

ATF Import Guide:

Form 6:

Form 4590 (handgun requirements):

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