Episode 087: https://youtu.be/8ZSj0hq4cdY
111 00:00 Belgian 1916
Episode 088: https://youtu.be/4lmcovdMM6M
112 00:55 Ottoman 1890
113 01:49 German conversion 1889
Episode 089: https://youtu.be/JMinxb2j_P8
114 02:27 Vickers MkI
Episode 090: https://youtu.be/rRUW5eUZ5cM
115 03:50 Werndl 1867/77
116 05:15 Werndl Extra Korps 1873/77
Episode 091: https://youtu.be/EpYMhZjTDQk
117 06:31 Gasser 1870
Episode 092: https://youtu.be/tID2i-BPJvI
118 07:42 Montenegrin
Episode 093: https://youtu.be/MaLjJkteJ3I
119 08:35 Ottoman 1893
Episode 094: https://youtu.be/AgvSrcHbeT0
120 09:42 Serbian 1899

C&Rsenal releases their flagship series “Primer” every other week. It focuses on one firearm of the Great War at a time, in depth with animations, live fire demonstrations, and historical context! Our mission is to document and describe historical military small arms from across the world. We hope to share our love for all the attention that went into the design, development, manufacture, and issuance of these pieces.