Cool Forgotten Weapons merch!
Today at the Kessler auction house in Kreuzlingen Switzerland (direct link prohibited by YouTube), we are looking at an exquisitely made miniature model of an MG08 Maxim machine gun. This was probably made by a watchmaker in military service, but there is not specific evidence to point to who they may have been. The piece is a completely faithful model of the real thing, right down to a rifled barrel. Truly an amazing piece of mechanical art!
Forgotten Weapons
PO Box 87647
Tucson, AZ 85754

At Forgotten Weapons I think the most interesting guns out there are the most obscure ones. I try to search out experimental and prototype weapons and show you how they work, in addition to more conventional guns that you may not have heard of before. You’re much more likely to find a video on the Cei Rigotti or Webley-Fosbery here than an AR or Glock. So, do you want to learn about something new today? Then stick around!