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The dawn of interchangeable arms manufacturing and the French M1777 firearms family

The star of today’s show seems to be a M1786 French light cavalry carbine – a really elegant little arm by the way – but in fact the true hero of the story is Honré Blanc, superintendent of the armoury of St. Etienne from 1763 to 1797. He was in charge of establishing a new method for manufacturing military arms. Here is the early story of Blanc’s attempt to introduce the new method of manufacturing. You will get the answer wether it worked or not,
That’s the second part of the series. The first part is about the cartridge of the 1777 family: />Please support us on Patreon:
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0:00 Intro
0:52 first shots at 25m
2:19 Gribeaval and the modernization of the French artillery
5:16 The old system vs the new system
6:35 Blanc and the modernization of the small arms
11:06 Tests of the mouqueton to 25 meters
12:39 Abandoning the concept of interchangeability
14:59 About the next part
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