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Prints/patches/shirts from the show:
Othais and Mae delve into the story of this classic. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration.
C&Rsenal presents its Primer series; covering the firearms of this historic conflict one at a time in honor of the centennial anniversary. Join us every other Tuesday!
Ammunition data thanks to DrakeGmbH
Animations by Bruno!
Additional reading:
Nederlandse Vuurwapens: Marine Mariniers en Marineluchtvaartdienst 1896-1942
Drs G. de Vries & Drs B.J. Martens
Nederlandse Vuurwapens: Landmacht en Luchtvaartafdeling 1895-1940
Drs G. de Vries & Drs B.J. Martens
The Dutch Luger
Bas J. Martens & Guus de Vries
Die Militärrevolver der Niederlande 1856 – 1940
H.E. Harder & W.A. Dreschler
Handleiding tot de Kennis van de inrigting en het Gebruik van Revolverpistolen
J.J. Bergansius
The Borchardt & Luger Automatic Pistols
Joachim Gortz & Dr. Geoffrey Sturgess
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C&Rsenal releases their flagship series “Primer” every other week. It focuses on one firearm of the Great War at a time, in depth with animations, live fire demonstrations, and historical context! Our mission is to document and describe historical military small arms from across the world. We hope to share our love for all the attention that went into the design, development, manufacture, and issuance of these pieces.